History confirms that as a young child, George was unable to pronounce his middle name, calling himself "Autie." He would carry the nickname throughout his life. What's new. For $49.99 (a lot of money in 1982), Mystique tricked you by promising you the basest of pornographic exploitation, then gave you what even by Atari 2600 standards was a bottle of video game snake-oil. It seems like the idea is that General Custer, a famous general in a controversial war, takes revenge for his defeat by raping Native American Indians. Custer's Revenge (also known as Mystique Presents Swedish Erotica: Custer's Revenge) is an adult action game published by American Multiple Industries for the Atari 2600, first released in November 1982. Find digital download of this game on Uncategorized. Often cited as one of the worst video games ever made, Custers Revenge achieved the dubious distinction of combining ugly racism with hateful misogyny in one vile little package. A remake was also made titled "General Retreat" in which the roles of Revenge and Custer are switched. [Editorial] I Old Games! The player(s) can accumulate no more than six lives at any given time. Every game from Swedish Erotica is pure filth but this one takes the cake. Report NA content [17] While both Ward 1 Councilman Bob McCoy and city attorney Walter Powell sought to block distribution within the city, and Multiple Industries did briefly halt distribution there, it was never officially banned by the city[17][18] as is sometimes erroneously reported. I think that if they put on the box instead of Custers Revenge Napoleons Revenge the outcome would have been the same. But the obvious facts of the word revenge in the title, and the fact that the woman is tied up, make these defenses so ridiculous that they merely served to further highlight the makers cultural ignorance. Like many other video game manufacturers of the early 1980s, Mystique soon went out of business. [28] UGO.com ranked it as tenth on the list of the most racist video games in history in 2010,[29] also ranking the game's General Custer as the second most unsexy video game character of all time in 2012.[30].